For almost 7 years here at Flea Market Love Letters we've been covering the topic of all things love letter. For the day that's in it -- Valentine's Day! -- we thought we'd take a moment to put together our tips from letters in the archive on how to write your special someone something special this February 14th.

Keep it short and sweet.
A love letter can be pages long or just a few lines; it's all in the sentiment. In the McAllister letters, George writes his sweetheart Harriet in September 1913 with a line many will recognize decades later from late night texting with a sweetheart!:
"Oh my dear girlie hon I love you. I love you more and more every day. Dear I know this is short but my eyes ache and I am so tired that I must stop."
Use pet names.
Include an endearment (or two, or three!) to really make your note a personal piece for your beloved, like this letter from George's 'Wifey' Harriet to her beau in November 1914. It's peppered with enough 'Honey's and 'Honey Boy's to give you a sweet tooth but that's what makes it even more special. Harriet is writing her fiance about their upcoming wedding with her thoughts ranging from flowers to train times.
"You Honey Boy, do you know that week from today there won’t be ever happier people to be found?"
Separated by hospitalization, the Roth letters are a beautiful portrait of love sustained by absent hearts and pen on paper. Nelda Roth wrote to her 'Darling heart' -- her husband 'Kaye' in August of 1939, saying:
"My Darling heart – It sure must have been a thrill to write your first letter in our house. If only I could have been there – but if I had been there you wouldn’t have needed to write that letter and then you would have missed that particular thrill."
Write from the heart.
However long your letter, and whatever you include, the best tip for writing a love letter? Write from the heart! In the Jack, Betty & Henry letters there's love and loss in almost every page. Beautifully bittersweet -- we have reason to believe Jack never made it home to Betty, after his time in the war -- there are lines to take your breath away. Like this one from Jack's letter dated August 13, 1942:
" If I stop to realize I most likely won’t see your beautiful face before me until the end of this war I almost go crazy."
Get in Touch.
Have you got a love letter story? Share it with us! Write us an email at