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Writer's pictureFlea Market Love Letters

September 29, 1935.

Dearest Darling

Well here I am back on Signal Mt. got up here O.K. but sure am tired but other wise feeling good but am awfully blue any where as bad as I hated to leave home yesterday + leave Onida this morning but maybe I will get over being so blue before long.

Every one was O.K. when I got back up here + seemed glad to see me. We are planning on going to Black Mountain Thurs. Or reckon I will go for Mrs Dimco sister was up to night said that their sister in N.Y. was sending my train fair + would also pay my wages so I guess I will get it every week now don’t care if I do even if I don’t intend to spend it I like to know I have it I come back up here broke this time self got back with 46 cents (except my silver dollar + I don’t intend to spend it if I don’t have to) but don’t guess I will need any for a while except for stamps.

Mrs. Dimmcos sister is also coming up tomorrow with a car + take me on Look Out Mt. + that is one place that I am tickled to get to go. In a way they are pretty nice to me but how I am not exactly happy with them.

I came back to Onidad yesterday + was intending to come on up here on that one o’clock train but the Bus was late so i came on fifteen this A.M. So Frankie + I went to town yesterday eve + we saw Dessie said she had been to put Eveyln + the babies on the train said they were going to Stamos for a few days. Frankie + I had a nice time (seemed a little like old times also went to the show last night but I wished I had stayed home + saved my money for it was the awfullest picture I have ever seen. I wouldn’t have slept by my self at all last night for it sure was scary it was “The Ware Wolf of London” you may have seen it but if you don’t like a scary picture I would advise you not to see that one.

Darling am so glad that you are only off two days instead of all week. Wish it could have been that you could have come home then instead of when you did but by that time guess I will be in Black Mt. but I am making no promises about how long. I will stay, for I sure don’t intend to stay if I don’t like it Darling I have just finished reading your letter about the third or fourth time (so you see I do read them) + I am more sorry than I can say that I hurt your feelings like I did Sun night + wouldn’t have done it for any thing but honest Darling I didn’t mean it the way you seemed to take it the way you seemed to take it + I hope you are not still hurt at me + as for me crying Fri. night Darling it wasn’t any thing you did or didn’t do that caused me to cry so don’t worry about that any more for I really didn’t have a thing to cry about unless it was because I knew you would only be there a few days + I got to thinking about that I know you won’t believe that but that is as was the truth as I could tell you or any body else to save my life. And as for last Mon night Dear it almost kills me to not get to be with you but as for blaming you I don’t for I know just how you feel about it + in a way I can’t blame you but still think things would work out if we tried my way for I know that we could get along but it might make things too harder on you + you are having a hard enough time as it is but lets save every cent we possibly can + try not have to wait too awful much longer for I sure don’t want to wait any longer than we have to.

Darling I just must stop for I must get a bath + go to bed for I have to get up early in the morning for I will be plenty busy except to be busy for the next week or two but will write as often as I possible can write me so I will get it Wed. + the next letter will have to go to Black mountain will send the right address the next time I write. So good night Darling I am still loving you more each day + wouldn’t mind another kiss to night.

Your Same Darling Kid


Hope how soon I can get me an other bunch of letters have wished fifty times I hadn’t burned them up but its to late now.

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