Oct 20, 1944
Dear Mother + Dad
The enclosed post card is about the most beautiful I’ve seen since I’ve been over seas. The best part is it only cost a penny or a half a franc. It is of the Cathedral de St. Jean un Marsiallie. It is very beautiful but in the [unreadable] front surrounding which are very ugly as you can see. I haven’t been in it but they say they have thousands of candles inside which adds to it beauty.
I still have quite a few post cards to send but I [unreadable] in separate letters so as to give me something to write about.
The new has quieted down for quit a while perhaps now those people back home who believe the war would be over by Christmas will realize that the West wall was quite a fact and just a bunch of pill boxes that could be run over. Perhaps to you will listen to their wishful thinking and realize that CHristmas and New Year will still see a Hitler Germany. [unreadable] offers that in a month or two Hitler may have an Easter egg too hot for him to handle.
That is my [unreadable] at a note.
Till tomorrow,
“Bonne Chance”
“Good Luck”