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May 5, 1953.

Writer's picture: Flea Market Love LettersFlea Market Love Letters

My Own Dearest Har & Daddy, 

Hello babe – guess where I am writing this? On the beach – its a really beautiful day and I have been promising the kids that I would bring them here. They started to get a sunburn yesterday – Cheryl’s arms are really red and they will probably get a good burn again today! We just saw a liner pass by on the way to New York – and I felt like hopping on it was only about 1,000 yards. Ailene said we should call out and ask the captain to go and see if daddy’s alright & taken care of. They are working like beavers among the beach front here is preparing for the coronation review of the fleet. They are going to have ships of every nationality anchored right off Portsmouth here, and on June 15 the Queen is going to review them. 

Gee whiz, I’ve got sand all over me – I’ve been trying to take pix of the children – but they won’t stand still – Cheryl was sitting in the sand before and a wave came and swamped her & the poor kid was petrified – just sat yelling. 

She grinds her teeth all day on account of those damned molars that are coming through & I could “go” daft – what a sound!! 

You mentioned in your last letter about a new tower move – what happened to George? Before I forget did you manage to pay insurance and the Encyclopedias?  Its the beginning of the month – but if Mothers working – how will the insurance be paid? 

Rita is leaving a week of her vacation next week and I think we’ll take a few trips with the kids. 

The whole family are on vacation the last week we’ll be here – as soon as I’ve been to Southhampton to find out about sailing etc I’ll let you know when we’ll be due at New York. 

Since I’m sitting here writing there’s been two submarines pass & a New Zealand & Australia Naval ship – these last two have anchored & Ailene is all ago. 

I hope you can read this dear, but the sun is so ruddy hot & my arms are burning I’m getting used to be stared at like a freak – but its real funny the courtesy & better service I get when I go shopping because everyone knows we’re Americans – all Ailene has to do is open her mouth & everyone turns and stares.  You should see how they all look at us when the kids wear their dungarees, and polo shirts to say nothing of their skirts. Today they are wearing their playsuits that Hannah gave them – you’d think by the way people are looking that Marilyn Monroe is here in a Bikini. Well dear, space is growing short– take damn good care of yourself and write again real soon now. We miss you lots. 

All our love, hugs & kisses – 


Dear Daddy we love you very much & miss you lots. Ailene & Cheryl XXXXX 

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