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  • Writer's pictureFlea Market Love Letters

May 4, 1945.

May 4, 1945

Some where in Germany

Dear Mom,

I noticed by the Stars and stripes I wrote the wrong day as Mother’s day. Well we have a hard time even telling what day of the week it is as it is if it is not a day off, if its your turn to work. This might account for it. The same day is Mothers Day in Germany, its “Muttertog” it sure will be one that every German Mother can be thankful for. Hitler is dear, he can not take the sons they have left from them. Every one in Germany is in morning for some one a son killed in the war or some one killed in the bombings. Some old papers I found, news paper, has 500 killed in one city in one day, so you can really see, why morning is the mood in Germany.

Most of the people to try to be friendly but you can see probably had a close relative killed in bombing would like to put it at you, that just the animalish look they have on their face. Here little children dont ask for chocolate because we have been taught to look at the child and think his father probably killed an American. Besides most children run when they see us alone. Now I know why the german army fought so, Hitler filled them with his lies about what we’d do when we got here. The people tell Walter they are surprised at how we are treating them, she said we act like there are know civilian. We just pass them by even when they say “Goot Morgan”. Now we are the super men.

I’m enclosing 34 negatives which I don’t believe you have. I wish you make a set of Christine and the kids pictures and send them to me. I like to send them to her.

The enclosed post card is of a our mess hall. Of course the curtains and table clothes are gone as is the picture of Hitler and Hindemburg. Pretty classy. Perhaps latter I’ll be able to tell you the name of the famous town we are staying in. For now you’ll have to be content with I’m just inside Germany.



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