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May 31, 1953.

Writer's picture: Flea Market Love LettersFlea Market Love Letters

Our Own Dearest Daddy Har – 

I suppose as I write this you are still in the land of the nod, it’s 1:30pm here – making it 7:30am your side. 

Jackie has the kids out, took them up to the Lido – do you remember it? It’s at the bridge you cross as you come in from [—], to Portsmouth, gave me a chance to get lot of odds & ends attended too – I’m waiting for them to come home from their dinner – bet they’ll be starved. Rita is working – had to work yesterday and today in order to take off tomorrow & Tuesday for the Coronation – being in the Pay Masters Office they can’t close on account of all the thousands of pay packets to be worked out. 

Jackie decorated the oustide of the house for the kids and they are thrilled to pieces with it. Ailene is going on a coach ride on a tour of the city and all the decorations on Tuesday – then when they return, there is going to be a big street party in which Cheryl will join. 

It turned out so blasted cold today, cold enough for our coats thats this English climate, never the same, two days running. How goes your fishing? Any good catches lately? Were they blondes or brunettes? 

Did Benny quit after all or was he just letting off steam? 

Was invited to a reunion at the apartment of one of the girls I used to run with last night. It was very nice, they all practically are married, with families – and we had a lot of fun talking over old times – the last buses run at 11pm here and we only just made it so busy talking we didn’t notice the time. (Think I have a better husband than any of them – in fact, I know it!!)

Jackie just came in with the kids and they are all pooped out – Jack included!! They’ve been rowing and walking and climbing up the rack slopes – Cheryl out to sleep good after her dinner. She’s been getting up awful early lately – sometimes 6am and earlier – just hope she sleeps later after we get home – I hope to sleep lateish (to get acquainted with the bed again you understand!!) Do you still want to go to Canada this year? I don’t know how the girls would behave on another trip so soon, still we’ll have to see when we get back. Do you get one or two weeks vacation? Silly question, eh what? Did James ever consider a raise? 

Cheryl has asaying and we all die of laughter when she says it – whenever she wants my mom to pick her up she says “Pick’em up Grammau – Pick’em up peas!” & it sounds so funny! 

She can really talk your ear off when she wants to so you had better bring ear plugs on July 6th. 

Well toots – the end of another letter & another day closer – oh boy! Ailene says she’s going to hug you to death – (after me of course!!) 

All our love, take good care of yourself –

Ailene, Cheryl & Sandy XXXXXXXXX

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