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Writer's pictureFlea Market Love Letters

May 21, 1934.

Hello Darling,

How is work going this week so far? Any smoother than last week/ Don’t pull a Vernie and quit just because things go a little rough. It’s all in a lifetime you know.

I gave two permanents today; in fact I just finished the second one a few minutes ago. I don’t know what’s wrong with my hands, especially my left one it pains terribly. It must be from wrapping so many permanents because I can feel the strain when I wrap. Nelda’s old hands don't give out on her yet, do they?

It started to rain here about quarter of three and has been raining ever since. Daddy just called and said he’d be over for me so I won’t get wet. Nice Daddy?

The one lady I gave a perm to today told me her mother kept house for Warren Haffer’s daddy after Mrs. Haffer burned to death and she raised Warner + Mary Jane with the rest of the kids. Isn’t tit strange how conversations will drift to different things and people you know?

I’m writing down hill because the top of the desk is crooked. I sent the money order to the E.B.N. Bank the first thing when I came in because I knew I wouldn’t have time later. I good girl?

Did you sleep any better last night than you did Sat. nite? I was so tired I couldn’t get up this morning, I mean I felt as tho I couldn’t but of course I did. Hope I feel like going to bed early tonite but I guess I won’t feel like it when I know I can.

Of course I didn’t write to Vernie yet. I’ll save that till the latter part of the week. I think he had something to tell me last nite but Mary came around too quick. So maybe he’ll tell me in the letter. It was probably about Mary’s running around at nite, I don’t know. I hate to see a split-up there but it seems inevitable to me. The trouble with Mary is that she whines and nags too much. If she could sit down and talk and reason with him like a dutch uncle I think Vernie would take it. BUt as it is Mary says “See, I told you, Vernie.” and the trouble with Vernie is he has too much self pity and not enough back bone. He’s mostly wind. The pity of it is the two personalities don’t mix well so the combination just goes flat.

Well, darling, again I hope goes better all around and you come home this week with a big smile instead of a frown on your face. Don’t forget to say “nowa” for me. Go to some good shows, even if you must go to Balto. To amuse yourself.

All my love,


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