Dearest Har & Daddy,
Good for you […] – I got a letter today – seems we both sit and wait for the mail man – I don’t mean sit, in the sense of the word dear – just an expression.
Glad to know you went fishing finally – I gather you didn’t catch anything – jolly decent of Mollie to invite you to supper the past couple of Sundays – How about Lollie did she put out a direct invite? Forget about the plane dear I didn’t realize it would take $200 more – I’ve resigned myself to the boat – Ailene is okay about it now. Sorry to hear you don’t miss my presence at night – I’ll get a night job that’s all.
I had to laugh when I read about not running around and getting into trouble!! I haven’t stirred from the neighborhood except visits to two aunts – I go shopping for mom every day and that’s it.
Cheryl hasn’t been sleeping good since we’re here and often wakes up crying so I have to be here, I don’t want her getting upset. Right now she’s pretty groggy – getting her 2 year molars (teeth that is) and her face and ear are all inflamed and she won’t let me move – just grinds her teeth all day and bites on anything within range. Ailene is getting 6 year molars too – so I am having a real good time.
I’ve had to forgo seats at the theater every week so far & my brother has made arrangements several times to take me but I’m afraid to leave the kids – though I have plenty of sitters.
By the way I’m having a hell of a time with my damned vaccinations – the first scab came off & it wasn’t even healed underneath since then more have come off & I’ve got a dressing on it now – but it’s still pussing.
I’m erally going to write to write every day babe – now that we’re more adjusted – and you try and write often too dear.
I sent all the kids picture cards of the boat, didn’t they get them yet? So William finally came around, huh? Believe me they both are “two of a kind” – I’m sort of glad she’s coming back later than I am – maybe I’ll get peace on this trip, her kids are a pain.
I answered Lollie’s mail – but sent it by airmail I was all out of stamps – she’ll get it in about a week. Got a weeks meat ration for us three yesterday – .92 cents worth & then I got .45 cents more than I should have.
I promised Ailene she could write but I’ll let her do it tomorrow I want to get this off.
Now do try and write me often dear – Ailene nd I are looking for the mailman twice a day.
Take good care of yourself dear and don’t forget me!!
We all send our fondest love and Cheryl says she “wuffs daddy”. Tell everyone we send love. I’ll try to write to everyone next week (it’s 9:15pm I’m off to bed now – coming?)
All our love,
Ailene – Cheryl—Sandy XXXXXXXXXXXXX