My Dearest Har & Daddy,
Hi!! How’s everything? How are you babe? OK?? I’ve just put the children to bed & they are really tired too.
Ailene really had herself a day yesterday – they walked for miles getting primroses & bluebells and arrived home at 8:45pm really & truly pooped – with armloads of flowers!
This morning Jackie took her out to his girlfriend’s & then her brother & Ailene to Baffins Pond, and they fed the swans and sailed a boat and had a good old time. Then Jill & Tommy (brother) came around after dinner and they all went up to the playground for the afternoon.
Poor Cheryl missed out on all the fun – her damed teeth have bothered her all day – its amazing how she talks - picks up on all the phrases and spits them right out.
How’s work going? Any new developments? How are Benny’s kids? – I gather his wife is home now & all his ideas for running a “disorderly” house are down the creek – eh what.
By the way can you get another set of those snaps you sent? All the relatives are crazy about them and asked for a picture – (just the ones of us will be alright).
By the way — did the new “neighbors” ever move next to Bernie’s mother yet? I bet by now almost all of the 2400 Block National is colored. We’ll have to sell our house won’t we dear?
How are you doing on Wednesday nights Atlas? Still keeping fit? Still come home and watch “This is Your Life”?
Before I forget – the rent is due on or before Saturday (16th) they are only open until 12 noon on Saturday toots.
How’s the family? Lollie, Dave & Boys? and of course Mom – give them our love. Did Harry G get a new car yet? How’s his family? Give regards!
Everyone is saying that the likeness between Ailene & I when I was young is amazing & I looked at some pictures in the old family album & sure enough you’d think it was Ailene (Lucky kid!!)
We’re hoping to go to the Isle of White tomorrow if the weather stays fine– give the kids a boat ride (a real treat – ouch!!) We’ll probably go to Sandown – there’s a beautiful beach there and plenty of sand for the kids to get all over everything.
Hope to take some pictures too if they’ll stay still long enough. You should see the way the kids kiss your picture every night & in the morning they kiss it again and say “Good Morning Daddy” & Cheryl says “Gmorny Daddy – go work Daddy!”
Well dear take care of yourself – don’t work too hard and write to me real soon.
All our love,
Ailene – Cheryl – Sandy XXXXXXXXX
Don’t forget to write now dear – I look for the mail!