Dearest Daddy Eddie
Hi darling how’s our daddy tonight? Fine and dandy I know so are we. We will be much better when you get home to stay with us.
You know what our daughter was taking a bath at midnight the other night. Eva came home from work at 10pm. And after the shower took a bath. Sherry had been asleep but work up to see Eva and then wouldn’t go back to sleep. When Eva got in the tub Sherry demanded to get in with her so I just put her in then she didn’t want to get out again so I put some clothes to soak right in with her. She picked up the things and in a very disgusted voice said Ma, Ma. I finally took her out fussing like mad and put her back to bed. She slept good afterward. Then last night Eva took a bath again because it was so hot and muggy that she felt dirty all over. Sherry had to get in too. She had already had a bath with me in the afternoon. After the bath we went in on the bed and played with Sherry until 10:45 then she went back to bed to sleep all night. She is a regular little night owl just like her Dad.
I took her into the Candy kitchen for ice cream in Artic yesterday and because the little girl in the booth ahead of us had ice cream and she didn’t she got very peeved and started screaming for which she got her fanny warmed a bit. I felt like 2 cents with her making such a fuss so I spanked her. She calmed down and let me feed her. After she finally got the stuff she wanted to hold the dish in one hand and eat it with the other. The dish was to big for her to handle that way and that made her mad. She did eat the whole dish to after a while.
Oh yes when she took her bath with Eva she had clothespins, water balt hair brush and face cloth and soap to amuse her. Everytime Eva wanted the soap she had to search the tub for it. Betty had the cutest little dog given to her its half spitz and half scottie. She says we can have him for Sherry. His name is Chipper and he is a pretty brown (dark).
Betty and Marilyn + Roy wanted to go swimming after school tonight so Dad and I took them down in the horse + wagon. Chub was as good as could be and stood for about an hour. Sherry went down too. She has the cutest little blue bathing suit that Eva gave her it has white straps that cross and tie in the middle of the back. It has 2 little fishes on the [unreadable] part one is white the other dark blue. This is somewhere near like it I’m not a very good artist to draw things. Dad to making butter from the cream. He is also making coffee for the folks when they get home from work.
Mom Dad + Joe came after us to come over here this morning – we went up to Mrs. Brayton’s first and she thought Sherry was just about tops. Kitty Maran came in while we were there so we were all introduced to her and when told I was Sherry’s mother she immediately wants to know how old you are I told her 25 and she said what you look about 23. Then she said I was the infantest looking Mother she had ever seen. She told Mom and Dad they didn’t look like grandparents because their hair isn’t white. What a woman. Mrs. Bryton gave Sherry 30 [unreadable].
As I started telling you before we took the kids down to Tigue swimming I put Sherrys suit on and let her go into too. She loves it. After she got in she didn’t want to come out. Betty took her out then brought her back and sat her down near me. She immediately headed right back out again on her own and I finally had to take my shoes and socks off and walk in with her. A little girl about 12 years old took her and played with her for quite awhile too. Eva rocked Sherry to sleep then layed down and went to sleep herself. I sat up with Dad and wrote to you.
Back home again and morning – Mom + Dad brought us home when she got home from work. Joe went to bed. Ren and June left for a weeks trip to on Monday of this week. That was the only way they could have any time alone. Eva has gone up to the P.O. in the rain to get both last nights and this mornings mail.
It really is raining here too. I got up about 5am and it was coming down in torrents so I went all around the house closing windows.
Guess this is all for now because I want her to mail it in Arctic.
Your letter just arrived for me also. Thank you darling is all I can say now.
We both love you very very much and pray to God to see you very soon.
We send all our love hugs and kisses you can handle from us both.
All my love - All my life
“Mommy” & Sherry