Dear Grandma and Grandpa:
We are looking forward to your visit this summer. It is not thundering pretty loudly though I haven’t seen any lightening as yet. Mr. de Schweinitz was visiting this morning in church. He delivered a 55 minute address relating to the renewal of the Unites Fratrum, the Moravian church. The Midland beach Sunday School picnic will be held July 6, 1922. We hope that you can come to Midland beach this year for it will be entirely new because two years ago you only went to Rockaway.
Mr. Zuhr is going to take us for a ride 100 miles up the Hudson River. This morning we went to Church by bus and saw the “HUDSON RIVER DAY LINE” going up, the Robert Fulton. They are very pretty boats every one of them.
Mr. Nitzschke went up to camp in the Adirondack Mountains. They took the Hudson River Night Line to the C.W.Morse. They said that wasn’t as nice a boat as the Berkshire. On the citizens line there is a Trogen and Rensselaer, two of our river boat friends. Tuesday Miss Ward invited us to go down to Osborne Hall for evening dinner. Next week school closes.
The sunday school is going to have a “VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL” for the last week in July and the month of August and the first week in September. We have twice as many buildings opposite my school. Two apartment houses, walk-ups and an elevator Fifteen story house, and a Jewish Synagogue. They blast so one brick flew in and broke the window, the glass falling on one of the teachers head nearly. Maxine, a girlfriend of mine, in High school saw this. Now it is raining hard. Yesterday I was out in a terrible rain storm the minute it began to rain I ran out of the store just to be out in it. Tomorrow school comes. When are you coming on what train? Are you coming by way of Boston? Please write and tell us. With very much love, I am, as ever
Arthur F. Stocker