My Darling,
Well, how does it feel to have a boss over you know? (Your Pop) Is he going the job any better than you? No, I know he isn’t. Gee, it’s hot up here today. Your clothes just stick to your skin and there isn’t a breath of air going up here. Even the electric fans seem to be running in vain because the sultriness just eats up the bit of air disturbance they do make. So much for the weather. – Except, I think it’s going to rain.
I ask Ed if Squire go an answer to Vernies letter and she said he didn’t. Maybe the man got fed up paying postage on something so apparently futile. They didn’t hear any more about Millard, either.
This morning I gave May a perm wave. She sure doesn't’ look like the girl I thought she’d turn out to be. She has a tooth out near the front so that when she laughs she pulls her mouth around so funny. And she’s so heavy to what she used to be. Strange how people change and turn out differently than you expect. Isn’t it?
Did you fix up the insurance + milk this week? Mother called me and I told her you always take it down on the table when you go. She said it wasn’t there so I said she should let it go till next week.
Guess, I’ll be going to the Hairdressers Meeting tonight. They called and told me to be sure to be there. Anyway, it will give me something to do.
The street car man, that the colored girl yelled at, you know? – Well he asked me this morning where I worked. I told him and asked him why he wanted to know. He said, “Oh, I just wondered. Was a little curious to know where you worked.” Imagine! Then he said that maybe I worked in an office. I said “No, I don’t care for office work.” Well. He asked me why I thought that I wouldn’t like it. I said I took a four year commercial course in H.S. and that was enough to know whether I liked it or not. Then he asked if I always lived in York. Where did I come from? He told me he is 46 years old but don’t feel it and most people don’t think he looks it. He has a son who graduated from H.S. this spring. The son’s name is George Simmons – so I guess his name’s the same, he probably has a Junior. I don’t know why all the sudden interest. Well, so much for the S.C. man.
Love for you, and plenty kisses.
From your Little Tyke