Hello Brother
How is every thing, I suppose there all through with there Battles you know what they call Sham ain’t it. Say how come you didn’t write to me, Eddie were home now he will be coming back and I will be going home. It is going to rain up here and I am confined to my Bunk for the day I got a tooth pulled and the Doc broke the top off and so he had to cut my gums to get at the roots. Boy does my gum hurt. Well how are you and Jenny getting along. I am not sure but I heard that Jenny has been running around with some kid from Farell.
I guess you know who told me yes Edith. Some times I don’t know weather to believe her or not. She was telling me how Bea went out with some kid and they took her along. Now do you suppose she would go along alone well I don’t, not if you know her as well as I do. I am telling you I don’t know weather to trust her or not. As Brother to Brother what do you think. Boy will I give her the works in one week don’t say anything about this. Well until you write to me will be seeing you Brother.
Your Loving Brother
Harry Tomacino
P.S. Tell me about the Sham Battle and your self
P.S. Hope you don’t mind me calling you brother
P.S. Don’t forget jumping jive to hard me some hide
May God Watch Over You and Bless You