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  • Writer's pictureFlea Market Love Letters

January 26, 1944.

Hiya Ranny: -

Received your letter Monday and was going to answer it yesterday, but I had a pass from 1 P.M. to 1 A.M. so we went to Memphis. I saw two shows and looked over the stores. Did some shopping and then came home. The women are easy to pick up,but Bill is married and I’m true to Bea C. I tried to dance one number at U.S.O. last night. And I had to quit, on account of my leg. I haven’t learned anything new yet. I get a heart treatment and massage every day but it doesn’t help.

I can get a three day pass to come home, but by train it is 24 hours. My dad has plenty of gas to come after me, but he can’t get the time off. If you would come after me I could get enough gas for you to make the trip. I just have to get home at once to get things fixed up with Bea. I wrote my dad about it and he’ll call you and see if you two can work something out. I hope so. If Bea says yes we’ll get engaged the one day I am home.

I’ll not let them operate on my leg again. I get plenty of sleep as I’m in bed at nine nearly every night. I weigh 154 pounds nows and still gaining. I was 132 a year ago when I came in the Army. You didn’t tell me what kind of car you go? I like the description other than that. It must be a swell car if you paid $450 and your Ford. how much gas do you get on a A+B coupons? How is your back since you quit dancing? Have you quit drinking pal?I have and I feel better too.

I don’t care about Bea M. anymore so don’t mention her name to me Ralph please. She is a swell kid and I would go for her if she wasn’t already married. Bea C. is my only heartbeat now. Thanks for Bea’s phone number. I’m glad to hear you can get a job for me. There are so many reasons, why I just have to get out of this Army and come home. I’m trying my darnest and I hope it won’t be long.

Hope I come under the $300 discharges too. I have to write Harry a V-Mail whenever I find time. Do you have Whity’s address? If so send it to me please. Just went and had 2 more X-rays taken making about 20 in all. They didn’t tell me anything, you know the way the Army does it. I guess I’ll sign off for today Pal, hoping to hear from you real soon. So long and good luck. Adios

Your Pal


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