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Writer's pictureFlea Market Love Letters

January 7, 1944.

Hello Darling

Here it is Monday afternoon and I am still over at the farm. Will be here until Wednesday after funeral. Then I will take car home and go back down to your Mothers again. Whitey is up here with me and seems to like running out and in and all around with the other dogs. She sleeps right beside the bed on floor. Took Sis, car down to Bradford last night and almost froze in his nice warm car. Ours wasn’t behaving very good either wouldn’t heat up at all so Ma took it down to Begos and he said that the hose connection was all porous and she is getting a new one. The car is down there (Begos) now having it put in. 

You know what to some people even death doesn’t mean anything. By this I mean Sis, he knew that Ma, was to go down to Begos so right away he had to go and have his heater checked. Well Rose wanted to go down to their house on Main St. so he took her down there then came back to Begos (I think) but at any rate he timed things so he got back here first in time to park his A - in our car and go with Mom and Russell down to have our heater checked etc. They came back about a half hour later and told Dad and I what was wrong with Plymouth and that they had to leave it at Begos He took them down to Artic, to Chagnon’s drugstore to find out about Russell’s telegram saying he was O.K. till 5:00 AM on Thurs. The Red Cross now has tried to get Renauld as well as Eddie + Russ. But we haven’t heard from either of em. Now back to Posspot - He managed by using his car to keep them away from home until about 1:30 then wanted me or dad to fix him hamburg for dinner - my mother got washed up and got down to the Undertaking Parlor at 2:00pm. Nice guy huh? Dad asked Mom how they were going to get down there since our car wasn’t here and he pipes up and says Oh I’ll be with them and if the car isn’t ready when we go down by I stay until 10 of 4 then bring them home and they can pick up the car then. Visiting hours are 2 to 4 and 7 to 10 and they didn’t leave here until 2:15 this afternoon. He shouldn’t be hanging down there all the time - he should only go and see Gramp and come right out again but I bet he doesn’t. Oh yes we had soup (Ray made) so he wouldn’t eat. Ha, ha, ha, ha.

This is the last of the writing paper I got for Christmas from Ferdo. It was nice while it lasted. 

There is quite a skating rink over in the garden next door and the kids have been out sliding on it about all day. It was too cold to try and send them to school. They have had a grand time and it keeps them out of mischief. 

June and her Mother came out just before we left last night to see if we had let Renauld know and if he was coming home. She is coming out on Wednesday. Wish you could be here too - I would feel better. Well the funeral is over and Uncle Walter and Bill Whitford are here. We are going to take them home pretty soon. They have been telling jokes - This is one that Bill told. There was a priest who met an Irishman coming out of a barroom and told him he could spend his money on far better things than Drink such as the orphanage and the Irishman said - I tell you if you would wear your pants the same you wear your collar there wouldn’t be any orphanage. We wouldn’t need one. 

When Uncle Walt was in France during the first world war. They were in the trenches on one side and the Germans on the other when one German called out - Hey Englishman is there anyone over there from Southampton? A lot of the Englishmen yelled out sure there are a lot of us here from Southampton - so the German said “I have a wife and 3 children there,” and the Englishman called back sand said “Keep your head down or you’ll have a widow and 3 orphans.” 

We have some more good news – Dad went to Dr’s yesterday and Doc. Hudson said that one lunch was collapsed and he was afraid that T.B. had set in and he goes to Wallum Lake and be Xrayed to find out for sure. He didn’t take Gramps going so hard but he was all upset over his own condition. My Uncle Walter and Bill being here has put him from thinking about things so much. I am glad that you feel the same way about me going to Mitchells as I do - I really think I would be better satisfied. 

I am going back to Mammy Lews tonight. Edward got home from the funeral but he has to be back in Camp on Monday Jan. 24th. Russell has to start back tonight at 9:10 he has to be in Camp at 5:00 AM tomorrow. Eddie leaves at noon on Saturday. This is all for now Darling. 

Goodnight Darling and pleasant dreams. I love you very very much and miss you like Hell.. 

Loads of love 


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