Dear Harry,
Was very thrilled to get yours & Betty’s letters on my arrival tonight. I want to thank you and Dave very much for meeting her arrival I really do appreciate it also your dear sister etc who gave her a big welcome it really gets me to think such kindness is so extended.
I guess you and Dave were just about frozen when Betty finally arrived by the way. Thanks a lot for the wire it was a great relief after! The reports on our radio concerning the America.
I can imagine her amazement at the stacks of eggs, something different to our one egg a month maybe 2 months.
Don’t let that 11 o’clock rising get a hold on her as I know only too well every Sunday morning when I at least expected a cup of tea in bed, as the family always gets one every morning at 5:30am but also i still get my own Sunday’s included but I see to it the family does not get one in bed on Sundays. I know Rita always had a job to waken Betty every morning to get her to work so don’t let her slide back into those habits.
Gosh I thought Portsmouth was the only place it rains, we have had down pour’s continuously for days and gales, the rain simply cascades into the bedrooms through the damaged roof it is really thrilling and now we are to expect snow it is bitterly cold. You know something Harry you are very luck to have had Betty’s company when she has been lost for words Gosh we have never known such luck at home here, we have never been able to get a word, in at times, she has had all the say, if you know what I mean. We really cannot imagine her any other than talking and gagging. Please don’t take any notice about what I previously said about calling the juniors, kid, that is nothing to what I call them very often, I did not think you take my remark seriously, just call them what you will , I guess they will answer it sometime too.
Well now I must conclude as I have another to write to Bayonne and want them posted on my way to work in the morning. So here’s thanking you all very much.
Fondest love,
Mom + Kids
Please give Lollie & Dave my heartfelt thanks and kind regards a big kiss for baby very glad to know he has chummed up well with Betty.
Regret scribble i am out of action a little.