Dear Honey,
I just finished with my work so I though I’d write you a few lines. I bet you never think of doing the same to me, but I’ll be the sucker and write you two and you write when you have time. This will be the third letter you owe me, but I know I’ll never get them.
Well, how’s my sweetheart! I hope you are feeling better, are they still working you hard, I hope not. It won’t be long now, and before you know it, you’re bee coming home on furlough. I can’t waite to see you, honest Ranny I not kidding. DO you still miss me I bet you don’t not as much as I am. Honey do you know that they Park is going to stay open until Oct. and maybe you might be home and you can still dance there. Isn’t that swell. When I hear that I though of you and that you said about coming home in Oct.
How did you get the cute stationory, I laugh when I received your letter. The mailman is just passing, maybe I’ll get a letter from you! No he’s just passed our house, I knew it was too good to be true. But don’t worry I’ll fix you. I received a letter from Steve and he send me two pictures of himself and he sure looks good. Did I tell you, he’s a Corporal or maybe you heard from him. He’s a sweet kid but you! Well, that’s a different story. Sometime I sit and think of the swell times we had together and I hope there will be more. How about the dance we went to the Lad Hotel, and how those people looked at us when we danced, I bet they though we were nuts. I’ve never forget that night. Hon. Do you still kiss me pictures like yo usaid, I bet you don’t. I look at your picture every nite. It never fails that I don’t. Maybe it because I like you alot. I don’t know if your going to like what I’m telling you and maybe its not my business but I going to tell you anyhow. Do you know that Jenny is going steady with some kid name Nickey, or something like. He goes out the Park. If is a surprise to you I don’t want to get into trouble. Did she tell you herself. I hope you are not mad because I told you because I though maybe you wanted to know. Please don’t be angry with me because I told you. Maybe its not the truth but that’s what I hear.
Its too bad Joe’s having trouble with his girl because she was very nice and Joe’s too good to be treated like that. I wish he would find a girl that like him and he the same because he deserves it and “Honey” so do you. I hope you are not mad at me for what I wrote in the other letter because what I wrote is true. Hon. What does the letters on back of the envelope mean, the last letter wrote me. Next’s the letters I.L.T.P.W.O.T. I don’t know what they mean. Well it won’t be long and I’ll be in school and how I hate it. I just ‘dread’ the though of going back. Just think I’ll have to get up early and now the earliest it 10:30. Isn’t that shame! I heard your song “Sun. Mon. Always”, did you say that, that song was for me. Well sweetheart I’ll be closing up for now. I’ll always miss you and still love.
God Bless You,
Always Love