My Dear Ralph:
I am more than glad to hear that you are feeling much better. Please be very careful about your back as a sore back is not a very nice thing to have. Just have patience, and everything will come out alright. We are all feeling well at the present, only I am worried about your back. Papa comes home in the afternoon and works around the house a little as help is hard to get so instead of going on vacation he comes home about 1:30 and works around the house.
Bea and Edith were down the station when harry left that night and Edith told me about Mac. calling Bea up, but she was not at home, she told me he wants to make up. I hope they will get together again. I think Bea is a swell girl, and she uses sense when she talks.
Mrs. Perry is feeling much better. She was sick when Harry came, but she got up and limped around. Harry looks nice in a Navy uniform, he called his mother up and told her he was being transferred but didn’t know where yet, he will let her know later. The mother is so worried about him. Did Joe Zojac write to you from his new address? Is Camp Swift far from your camp?
Ralph, you remember our cousin Mike Perfett that tall boy from Sharpsville, they had not heard from him since “Pearl Harbor” the other day his mother received a card from him, he is a prisoners in Japan. Was the mother glad he is alive.
Regards and love from all the “Dear Old Youngstown”.
Wish you lots of luck and God Bless you,