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Writer's pictureFlea Market Love Letters

August 16, 1938.

Dearest: –

It is raining quite steadily in fact it has rained since 4:30 this morn and it is now 6:45P.M.

Well the job is coming along fine and all of us are well. We saw a movie on Mon. and Tues. nites and I think we might go again tonite. It just isn’t anything else to do. No small stores to go to and loaf.

Honey, I went to sleep in both movies (getting to be a habit) but I saw almost all of the main pictures. Gee, that ‘Frader Horn’ sure was swell. I didn’t remember her being so good.

You should see all of us (Ken, Ryan, Marty and me) taking baths in the church. We have buckets of Life buoy soap!

Boy, we really need a bath every nite.

Golly but we are getting good meals and Ken and I have such a good bed.

Such much for us now about you. How are you feeling? Could you go fimmin on monday nite?

I miss you an awful lot honey. Honest injun.

I’m getting a lot of dirty about Vernie this week. No one is telling me out right but I tell them and then they say ‘Who told you?’

Did Pete go home? She’s a good egg but I think she talks too much about Russ and her boys. That’s the impression I have gotten so may be you had better stop talking about me to other people so much. ‘Cause I’m just a common guy like.

This is pretty country around here. The Delaware is a beautiful river in this section. The New Jersey towns are nice little towns too.

Tonight is the nite of the Armstrong- Ambers fight. IT is quite an important fight in the sports world. If Armstrong wins (and I believe he will) he will hold three titles.

Well sweety the boys are waiting to take me along to Milford, N.J. I believe the movie tonight is ‘Young Fugitives’. It only plates Wed. & Sat. nites.

Hoping to get a letter from you tomorrow. Until Fri nite about 9:00 c’lock –

All my love



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