Dearest Jack,
Your wheels left here Friday morning – crated and sent to Highland by express. Everything by rail is so slow now that you will probably some time getting it. Your Papa [unreadable] some new balls – new cans etc. where they were needed and oiled it so I hope it runs easily. Do you expect to ride it back + forth between Highland and your cottage? That seems like pretty stiff riding to me. It will be [unreadable] for jogging around but hard riding in the quickest way to [unreadable] and as I am so pleased with these intra pounds that I do not want you to release. I hope you make out well with your tomatoes etc. I suppose the hoeing in your own garden is nearly ended and you can begin to harvest there and elsewhere. Tom White has 16 [unreadable] in tomatoes and comes around with them at 25 cents a ½ pk. Brown’s are 30 cents.Tom was selling them by the basket for 80 cents but that is a way ahead of your season. I guess they are cheapest now and most plentiful here. Limas are 40 cents 1/4 pk – corn 55 + 60 cents a dozen. The tourists arrived safely Thurs. Eve and we were glad to hear their horn here as you were when they arrived. They said in all their travels they saw no cleaner, nicer garden than yours. They report lots of fun over [unreadable] etc. at Highland and think you all look fun.
I guess Don has no difficulty in finding one useful thing a day to do. You have all the jobs of camping without the bugs - ants - and half [unreadable] food.
What did you decide about having your suit altered? Ought that to be done before you head down to Springfield? If so and you want just the [unreadable] fixed you might send them - in my box. Were you waiting for any special reason for sending it. If not Herman would like to have his bathing suit and it might as well all come except for that white dress of mine which can remain until I come up as I will need it then.
You folks were right about us paying too much on our packages. Papa took me to Paschall: and sent it to Portland ME for Aunt Helen – it cost I think 18 and was as large as we have paid 50 cents for from here to Highland. Aunt Emily asked [unreadable] beans. I have some but will get Mrs. Guyers and enclose it. It comes highly recommended. My advice is sell all you can, but of course can what you can’t. Much as I love to can and preserve, I steer clear of beans. Sometimes they do not thank you. Yesterday I made 3 glasses of elderberry jelly. It was a very small quantity but delicious. I was afraid someone would swipe one bush of elderberries which were ripe ahead of the rest. I would like to make about 100 glasses of it if we can get up home for apples.
Sun. eve Uncle Harry and Aunt [unreadable] have just come from Mils! Horace Mrs. Kissick and Edna have just returned from the trip to Md. + Va. They had not such good luck as the Dodgers. Today a bearing burned out causing them three hours delay. Write and tell us when your wheel arrives. Love to all of you.
Your affectionate