Ft. Bliss, Tex.
Dear Mother
Received your last letter and have been so slow about answering it that I guess you thought I’d forgotten all about writing. I’ve been pretty busy lately and it just seemed as though I couldn’t get around to it. I am going to school now. Am taking up electrical engineering. Am also learning telegraphy. We have classes every afternoon from one to four. It is beginning to get a little cold here now, especially at nights. They have a little snow in Jan. and Dec. The most disagreeable thing though is the wind and sand storms.
I certainly hope you get a chance to go to Los Angeles to see Alice. The trip would do you good. Is Ted still going to Poly? What is Gene doing?
You asked me if I would like to go over into Mexico chasing bandits. Well, it wouldn’t make me sorry if I were to get an order over.It would make a little excitement anyway. I don’t think there’s much change of it though. Everything has been pretty quiet along the border lately.
I received the paper you sent the other day. They had quite a time on Armistice Day, didn’t they! Well there isn’t much more I can think of to write so will close.
As ever,
Co. B.
7th F.S.B.
Ft. Bliss, Tex.