Camp Travis
Dear Mother
It’s been quite a long time since I’ve had a letter from you but I guess you don’t have much time to write. I received a letter from Beth the other day and she says she likes it fine in San Jose. I spoke to her in my answer about the possibility of getting a small place near San Jose and move there. Of course I don’t know just how things stand, but now that you’ve rented the place in Pismo it doesn’t seem as there is much use of staying there. It would be near schools and the kids could get plenty of work during vacation. I think it would be a good thing to look around a little anyway.
Well my time will be up now in a short time. September 18th. Reenlistments are accepted for a period of three years only now I don’t want to put in that much time, though I would like awfully well to finish the course in electrical engineering.
So Charlie is on a boat again. He certainly keeps on the move doesn’t he. How are Ted and Gene making it with the tractor? I guess running expenses are pretty high now aren’t they? I guess they do better working out with it than they did working on the bottom. Don’t they. It takes a Jap or an Italian to do anything with that place.
Everything here goes along in the same old way with the maneuvers occasionally to vary the monotony.
We will have maneuvers some day this week I believe.
Well Ma, there isn’t much to write about so I will close now.
Write soon.
As ever,
Hqrs. Dept. 7th F.S.B.
Camp Travis Tex