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  • Writer's pictureFlea Market Love Letters

November 18, 1918.

My Dear Miss Jennie, 

Just what do you think of that start for a private in the rear rank. 

Had some more of my hard luck the other day. Mr. Jess M. Cook was over to see the fellows and Father along with myself happened to be still up at the front. Not the front but where it was before the Huns quit. Two of the companies were back a short distance and two moved up with another outfit we had the luck of going up but missed Jess. The other fellows say he is looking great and still enjoying good health. If we get a chance father and myself are going to try and work our way over to where he is located as I would like very much to see the old boy himself.

We were on this front from the 21st of Sept. until the finish and you can imagine just what we saw. It was just one big Fourth of July when the Huns gave up and lasted for three or four days. As soon as they stopped firing the different bands were out in no mans land flying with the colors flying, but the Germans were quite happy themselves to think it was over. 

We would hardly wait until we got over here but now I myself ask it “where do we go back”. Welll Jess here hoping everybody is OK. in the Frankenfield family and that Miss Mabel is enjoying the best of health. 

Private of France




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