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May 5, 1919.

Writer's picture: Flea Market Love LettersFlea Market Love Letters

Dear Mother

Received your letter dated April 8 about three days ago and also one from Beth. I have been so busy driving though I have had but little time to write. Received the letter with the film in it at the same time.

Just got back a couple of days ago from Dietrich where we were hauling for the 33rd Division. They have left for the coast and will probably be in the states by the middle of this month. I don’t think it will be long before draft men and the duration of the war volunteers will be taken out of the regular army divisions and sent back. Received an order the other day stating that beginning the first of May they would send two thousand replacements per week to each regular army division. So I don’t think it will be long before I’m on my way home. I haven’t much hopes of ever seeing the Rhine unless I can get a pass to Cobbintz. I think the 5th division will stay in this area for quite a long time yet.

This is a beautiful day so I think I will go out and take a few pictures. I have nothing to do this afternoon as I just got off regimental gaurd at twelve o’clock. It has been snowing and rainign for the last ten days until just yesterday. Imagine that, snowing in May.

I haven’t heard from Ann for about three months now. I have written her a number of times but perhaps her letters were lost. You and Beth are about the two ones I hear from any more.

Do you remember about three months ago how the fellows in the States were kicking against giving the overseas men gold service stripes? Well, all I want to say is this, that if you happen to see any of the those said personss, tell them they’ve got a good change to change their silver strips to gold now. All they have to do is to sign their name to a little slip of paper . The U.S. will be sending beaucoup men over soon.

Well ma, there’s very little to write about so I will close now.

Write soon,

With love


Wag. W. Bushnell

Co.A. 5th Amm. Tn.

5th Div.

A.P.O. 745


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