Dear Mother
Received two letters from you yesterday and one today brought from Eagle pass by airplane. We will be in San Antonio the day after tomorrow. We have been on the road just 35 days now travelling every day. We certainly had some terrible roads to travel over. There is a pretty good read from El Paso to San Antonio but we couldn’t take it on account of having to follow the railroad on account of supplies and water for the animals. At Sanderson the motor transportation left the main body and made a detour on account of the almost impassable roads through the Pecos River country. I had to stay with the Main body though on account of my driving the radio it a test. It is the only motorcycle mounted radio outfit in the U.S. Army. After we left Sanderson the next town we hit was Hayden Ward we were to stay there that night but after we got there we found that our water hadn’t arrived so we had to move to Pimville, the next town that night. The road was nothing but a cow trail leading through the Cactus mesquite. Two other motorcycles start out ahead and we hadn’t gone but about five miles when we got lost and we travelled all night over the mountains and dry river beds and got into Pimperville in daylight of the next morning. About a quarter of the outfit got lost that night and they had to send for an airplane the next day to go out and scout them up.
In crossing the Pecos River we had to drive the motorcycle over the pier R.R. bridge. 32 feet height. Well I’m glad the trip is about over just two more days.
This is an awfully skimpy letter but it is the only sheet of paper I have so I will have to close.
As ever,
Co. C
7th F.S.B.
Camp Travis Texas