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  • Writer's pictureFlea Market Love Letters

March 8, 1922.


Dearest K, –

I haven’t heard from U. since my last letter so U. C I am being awfully good and writing U. so soon again.

I haven’t any thing to write but I am just writing.

Oh I have some news. I am got a raise. Five dollars a week raise. Don’t that sound good!! I surely did feel good over it and still do.

I have been sketching lately with my pen not using any pencil first. Don’t U. think that I am getting pretty good. Some one came in the office the other day, a very well known adv. Man and he was looking at my work and that was the criticism he gave me. He said that my pencil lines were beautiful and I usually ruined it when I put it in pen or at least lost the free east strike that I had in pencil and said that I would get over that if I would try sketching in ink and leave off pencil. I looked at him as if he was crazy not thinking I could do it but I tried it and Gee! But it’s lots of fun. Of course! It will be some time yet before I will be able to get it down smooth but I am on my way and I am surely glad.

How is work Sweetheart? U. must be working awfully hard case U. didn’t write to me. I surely hope that every thing is running smoothe. I am awfully glad that U. are back with Bates until something better turns up. Must say goodnight and get some sleep. By by loads of Love to U.



P.S. How is the Paris Prize coming? How did the first one come out? I am crazy to hear about it. Here’s luck to U. and lots + lots of it for you are deserving of the best. Love again Thelma

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