Dearest K,
It seems a long time since I have written to you and a long time since I have heard from U. Are you still very busy. I am working so hard that I am losing all my precious fat. Am’t it awful !!!!
I have to work to make the time pass quicker but it doesn’t seem to work for this month has simply dragged along. I had been counting the weeks but gave up in disgust when I found that I would have to stay two weeks longer than I had intended.
K. it was lovely of you to play for me. I do wish that I had been there to enjoy it but I want you play it the first thing when I come home. Hear?
I have been going and doing so much since I wrote last that I hardly know where to start telling you things. We have had on a drive for the Y.W.C.A. and that has meant something during every day + night. I can’t tell how many concerts, dinners and dances. I am so tired. I almost go to sleep sitting up. Mon. night we had the most lovely time of all. “A Country Fair” If you have ever been to one you can imagine the fun. Ever body dressed up like “rubes” and we had a vaudeville sold wieners and pink lemonade. Afterwards we danced until about two o’clock. There was a formal dinner Tues. night and dance afterwards also one Wed. night. I went to see “The Gold Differs” Thurs. Night and the movie tonight.
I suppose Mamma has told you of my good luck. I was never more surprised in my life.
I went out to see your people Sun. and as usual enjoyed seeing them so much. It has been such a long time since I have had the chance to go out that I enjoyed it twice as much.
Will go to bed and get some rest. Be good and don’t work too hard and write soon too. —