Ft. Bliss, Texas
Dear Mother
Received your letter about a week ago but have been so busy. I could hardly find time to write. I have transferred to Co. C and am driving a motorcycle. I took the examination for Camp Vail again but I don’t think I’ll go as they probably won’t send any with as short to do as I’ve got.
We sure are having “delightful” weather down here now. A sandstorm about every other day. This weather will last for about two months yet.
Well I hope that it oil business turns out as well as it sounds. It certainly sounds pretty good doesn’t it? Have they started to drill on the bottom yet? Is Ted coming to Texas? If he does I hope he can stop in El Paso.
Walter Flannigan is still here. He is a company clerk in C co. He says he likes the army fine tho I guess he wouldn’t refuse a discharge if it were offered to him. There has been quite a little talk of our moving to San Antonio. If we go I guess we will hike it and its about 600 miles from here. Some hike eh! I’ll have it easy though as I’ll drive a motorcycle. C co. has turned in most of its horses and is getting more motorcycles and trucks.
We have radio sets mounted on motorcycles, a complete radio set good for sending and receiving with a generator and everything all on one motorcycle. It takes just about a minute and a half to set it up ready for business. We have maneuvers twice every week when we go out and set up stations.
Well I hope we move to San Antonio as we’ll get good quarters there. We sure got awful quarters here, little wooden shacks about ready to fall over. We have to get a shovel and dig the sand off of our bunks after a sandstorm.
I will close now, write soon and tell me all the news.
Co. C
7th F.S.B.