Dear Son:
Received your cards this morning and answering them just as soon as possible. It takes about 4 days for a letter to get here and it is a long time, I know. But you will have to have patience.
I am sorry to hear that you have boils on on your leg. I think you were all rundown and did not get enough rest, that’s what cause them boils. You were always on the go. You did not want to listen to me when I would say Ralph, get some rest you do not look good. You would say I will get lots of rest in the army.
I hope you get well soon, and try to put on some weight, and be calm at all times.
Yes I received your clothes from Columbus. It was on a Friday I got them. You should have heard Grandma crying the day we received them.
Ralph, dear, make the best of it and please be good and obey.
We are sending the things you asked for.
Did you write to Bobby Tobin? Is his camp very far from yours? Did you hear Max is in Texas Edith’s boy friend?
Do you want us to send you the “Youngstown Vindicator”. Let me know.
Send Uncle Joe a card down the store.
Regards and love from all.
Be good and God Bless you.
Your Loving,
Mother + Dad