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Writer's pictureFlea Market Love Letters

June 28, 1920.

Dear Mother

Will try to write a few lines this morning while I have a little time. It is raining this morning so I probably won’t have much driving to do.

Well my year will soon be up now just two months and 20 days left. Don’t know what what I will do when I get out. I would like awfully well to take a course at Camp Vail but reenlistments are for a period of three years now and I wouldn’t care to go in for that long.

Is Ted working in the oil fields now? What is Gene doing?

I received your card a couple of days ago. So there making a movie at Shell Beach. I would like to see the picture.

Are there many campers at Pismo this summer? Has there been many new houses built since I left?

How is Ernest making it at Capetown?

I guess I’d better quit asking so many questions and talk about something else for a while.

I went down to San Antonio last night and went to the show. San Antonio is the largest city in Texas, though that isn’t say much for it. It is a rather pretty town, though not considering the population which has a rather high precentage of Mexicans and Negros. It isn’t quite as bad though for Mexicans as El Paso.

Do you believe you’ll ever get anything out of that Mexican claim? I certainly wish they would start something in Mexico so we could go over. It’s been the same though for the last ten years so I guess that’s rather a remote possibility. Nothing could please me more than to hear the call to arms some morning to go over.

I wonder if they’ll ever get that bonus bill through. I guess it will be about the time elephants start roosting in trees.

I have to go to the Post Office now for the Batt. Mail now so will close. Hope I find a letter there from you.

As ever,


Hqrs. Det. 7th F.S.B.

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