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Writer's pictureFlea Market Love Letters

June 27, 1943.

Dear Ranny:

I was just talking to your mother on the phone. She wants me to go up to night, but I wanted to stay home. But she talked me in to going + see her. So I am about 7:30 or 8:30 p.m.

Last week my darling brother came home on a 10 day furlough. Oh how sweet he is. I send him $85 to come home on a plane but he couldn’t get one so he came by train. Now that he left I gave him a $17 gift. He took me a traveling watch. It looks like a compact + you open it like a compact + can put it anywhere. Even in your pocket. He also took me a gold pin. It is a wing. Your mother called me up and she wanted to see hi. So I let Andy talk to her on the phone. She invited him up so Andy + I went up one night. Boy we had a lot of fun. She is just crazy about Andy + so is your dad +grandmother. We went on other night after I got done working. Maybe she told you in the letter. So much for my dear brother.

Gee you took a long time to answer my letter. Am going to send it to him.

Ranny I am sorry I have to write in the back of this paper. But I have so much to say. The other way had to pay 6 cent.

Well, Ranny time off. I am going to have some cold beer with Tony.

(Back again.) I knew your mother or dad or grandmother, because they have told me. She said she liked me the first time I was up there. She said couldn’t he have took you home before. She said I hope he’ll go with you. She said if he would marry a girl like you even before he left for the Army or even when he is in the Army. I wouldn’t care. I would have some swell to come up + see me +help me. Your Grandmother says you + my Isabella are just like to sister. I am not going to wait for my boy until after the war. Because this war is going to be a long war. I’ll stay maybe two or three more year. Maybe get engaged. Ranny I didn’t have to go with Joe. There are so many boys that want to marry me. My mother also told me if I go with a nice boy + I love him I could get engaged even go + marry him. My mother will be happy this way too. So he doesn’t mean a thing. But don’t tell him that or let anyone read my letter.

Glad you liked the cookies. It is so hot now to make anything. But soon has it got a little cooler I’ll make something + send it to you. I was even good enough to send him a package + it was bigger than yours. Nuts.

Tony is fine + getting fat. He send all his suits + have them taken out. He go a better job than a bad man. He is on the P.63 phone now. Him, Johnny B., + Danny + Elmer. He works 10 ½ hr or 14 hrs every day + on Sunday too. Every body is jealous he got a break like that. He is working with blue prints. I go a better job did I tell you. I am a salvage girl on the P63 + the other phone the old one. On study days +work every day. Still in Department 19. Tony said hello + he missed you. The play boy he says. Your mother things Tony is ever good looking.

Jenny told me you called her up last week. She was surprised. She called me up. Because I don’t see her anymore. I don’t go with any of those girls. I go with Red + Ginger from the G.F.

You were blue in the last letter. But Ranny I guess it is life + you have to take it how it comes. Try to make the best out of it. My brother was 9 months in the woods. He said you have to make up your mind to take anything. When you where home if you remember you where a play boy + didn’t want to listen to your mothers words. She + your dad has told me everything. The last week I told you to spend it at home. Now you wish you had listen to your mother words +it is to late. There is a day for everything. It is over now. But make the best out of it, the day will come soon I hope that all the boys will be back home has before.

Well about Joe I wrote to him ever day but Sunday. If he write to me or not. You know he is hot at the last little thing just like home. Well there is another fellow there. That his girl write 2 or three letters ever day. About 16 pages or less -- but the letters are long. He wanted me to do the same. But I can’t because I work + have to work home also. This girl must not have work or do anything to write that much. He wrote me a letter that he was so mad that I thought he would go A.W.O.L. So I wrote back and told him if he did not talk to me + that I wouldn’t go with him + I said I mean it. I said to him Ranny has already tried to forget home life. I said it for his own good. I said it because I figured if he loved me and I told him that he wouldn’t do anything. He told me that he was going to write to you + tell you that you could go head + go with me. Because he always knew there was something between me + you. Because you always came down stairs at work to see me. Anyway Ranny he is wrong. And I am glad it did turn out this way. Because my mother doesn't want me to go with him and I’ll never go back to him now. So don’t tell him to make up with me. I won’t write to him now. I have his $20 and I

Yes alot of boys have left Dept 57. More girls every day. They got about 900 new girls since you left.

Tony + I took picture not that Andy was home. We took 30 snapshots + when I get them I’ll send you a picture of Tony, Andy, + I. Don’t forget I still want a picture of yours a big pointed one. I’ll have it painted.

Red is still working + is still going with Freddy. She is one of my best girl friends.

Well honey I’ll have to close now. You won’t want to answer me right away. Because my letter is to long. But I’ll write a short one next time.

Excuse all mistake too. Because i am not going to read this one.

Love + Kisses Always.

Keep that chin up big boy + keep smiling. A big smile Ranny. That’s better.

Love always,

Little Vicky

P.S. Answer soon + the pictures don’t forget a big one

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