Hi Ranny,
Well I guess you are settled by now. I received your lovely letter and really appreciated it. I thought you were never going to write to me but then you mustn’t forger your best boyfriends girl.
Did you know that Harry and I are married -- yes we married ourselves. The ring I got for Easter is my wedding band.
One night we were sitting on the porch and so Harry pronounced us man and wife. (Just kidding) Harry left for the Navy yesterday and believe me Ranny I feel like a part of me is dead because after you left Harry spent all his time with me. He used to come over every night.
Harry and I are still going steady but Ranny I am so afraid that he will find some one else. Please write to him and tell him not to find any body else. I know he will date because everybody dates when they go to the army or navy. Isn’t that right. Ranny I don’t date honest I don’t. And believe you me I can get dates but my father won’t let me date even if I wanted too but I wouldn’t want to any how. My father said I must respect him.
I want you to write Harry a nice letter and tell him to be good.
Jennie feels very bad because Vicky is always up to your house and she is telling your mother stories about her well believe you me Jennie is a perfect kid and I don’t mean maybe. She doesn’t date like she used to. That girl is crazy about you Ranny honest she is.
How is Ralph Colla? Tell him I said hello. Homer is home. Imagine he came home yesterday at 10 o’clock and Harry left at 9:00. You will hear from Harry soon because that kid is in love with you. He always talks about you. There is nobody like Ranny for Harry. Well Ranny how are you and Jennie getting along. Do you kids go steady? How are the girls in Texas. Do you have intentions of getting married there and taking home a Texas girl. Well I hope you still carry on with Jennie cause that girl is crazy about you. Don’t believe anything that Vicky tells you cause she is crazy. I will sign off now. God Bless You Ranny cause you are a dear.
P.S. Please write again + don’t forget to write Harry a new letter.
May God Keep you.