Hello Ranny --
How are you? I hope your ok because I’m not. Ranny I’m so lonesome for home that I cry like a baby when I’m in bed at night. I miss Vicky so much that I put her picture under my pillow at night. BUt there isn’t anything I could do about it. Well kid here’s what we do every damn day. We get up at 6:15 in the morning, get dressed and down to mess by 6:30 then we come back to the barracks scrub the floors, and fix our beds. Then were off for the day, yea off to the drill field, we drill, march, and study like hell and I do mean stuy. We have chow at 12:00, at 12:30 mail call. Then about 1:00 we fall out for more drill, march, and study. Until 5:30 we come back to camp. Well at six weve finished for that day. I usual go to the P.X. in the evening. On Saturday’s we quit a noon and the last two weekends I got a 48 hour pass. Well that is that. Ranny in your letter you said the coast artillery ranked second from the air corps, but your wrong if you ask your C.O. he’ll tell you the signal corps is second. This outfit trains just like the infantry. Our closest town in Alexandra which is 23 miles away. So you see I have a helluva good time. There are two or three other fellows from Youngstown with me. The 283 is just a new outfit too and we have a good chance for stripes after our basic is over. Yes last week I got two shots and a vaccination, the other day another shot.
I got a letter from Jenny and Ranny by the looks of things she is really in love with you. Jenny told me that she would always wait for you. As far as Vicky is concerned well here it is -- (turn over please)
My first furlough I am going to get hitched. You wrote and ask Vicky weve been making plans on it. So I hope you get home the same time as me (if I get home). I got a letter from your mother today and she told me to write Ranny you have a swell mother the way she has taken care of my mother. Boy the women in Alex. sure are nice. One blond works in Bakers Shoe store and went out this afternoon together BUT DON’T TELL VICKY or anybody else. She has a 1939 blue plymouth convertible, her name is Lindy Wilson. She’s a clean girl and I just went for a ride. That the Gods truth. Ranny I’ll always love Vicky. It might sound crazy but no one can take her place.
Have you driven any jeeps yet? I drove one for 2 miles last week. Boy did we have fun. There was 15 of us and we had to go get them 82 miles away. On the way back we drove in woods, mud, water, and ditches. Well Ranny its 12:30 night and I’m going to be bed for tomorrow.
Ranny take care of yourself. You know I always did like you as a brother not just as a friend. So for my sake and for all back home keep your chin up and lets get it over with. Write soon and write to Jenny because shes nuts about you.
Your Pal Forever
P.S. Drop Vicky a line and send my regards to your family