Bristow, Iowa
January 7, 1921
Dear Uffe + Jennie: -
Must write a short letter to tell you that we arrived home safely + a much pleasanter trip then when you have to wait for trains 3 to 4 hours.
Arius + Hank met us at the train door + the conductor helped me + then Arius picked up Meta and those were two happy hearts indeed. Arius sure missed his little girl those 2 days. Were home at 9:15 and Meta had quite a play with her doll + kiddie car before she wished to go to bed. Hadn’t been inside the door 2 mins before she had her toll in her arms. Arius hadn’t carried her 10 steps yet when she asked him, “Het puppe oc rait?” I still have quite a pain but it’s a cold, I think, and I didn’t give up working today tho + scratched along some way. Washed my kitchen windows and ironed + put up the curtains again + did most all the rest of my ironing and of course found a little more house work to do then usual. The boys worked hard, I guess. They found 27 eggs in those 2 days, I think I had 12 today. They are to the basket-ball game at Allison tonight and so you see I must spend another evening without hubby. Such is life when you can’t go along to public places anymore. They wanted me to go along to Ben Diddens ( 1 ⅓ miles from Allison) but I’m afraid I couldn’t drive that tonight. Might have to call Dr. Reeve from Allison out there then yet. So I guess I’m more homesick right here at home tonight than I was clear over there so far from home. Intend to saw wood tomorrow and ask Folkert Folkerts to help also. That might mean another man for dinner + have lots of Saturday work to do tomorrow besides baking bread and a cake, I guess the boys sure were hard on the cookie pail. I guess ought to have baked some the 2nd day. Haven’t enuf to serve company any more so I ought to bake a cake. Talk about blackening a tea kettle! They tried to warm a bowlful of beans I had cooked in the china bowl and set it “in” it took dutch cleaner + elbow grease to clean it this morning. I don’t believe they had much to eat while I was gone. Lived on bread + hash, I believe. Set my bread this noon and shall soon stiffen it and hope I’ll have good bread. Wish I had a loaf of yours. Arius could see that I had crocheted some. That doll dress is too little but can wear it, I guess. Well, I guess I’ll quit writing now. I ought to patch + darn socks this eve but I guess I’d ought to go to bed right away and be ready for a good days tomorrow. Hope your ice-cream tasted nice. Well, good night. Meta wants to go to bed so I’ll have to quit.
With love,
Didn’t have no game so the boys were home before I retired. Arius got stuck in a snow bank up south this morning we went after us + had to get Hank + a horn to help him out. They didn’t have breakfast until 9:00 that morning. Bread looks fine. Must have it ready by dinner. Hank gets up first every morn.