Ft. Bliss, Texas
Dear Mother
Received the sweater yesterday and was very glad to get it. I just got out of the hospital yesterday. I had been there about a month and a half.
We are going to be reviewed by Gen. Pirsbing Monday. I hope I can get out of it. I guess we will start school again Tuesday. They had not had school for the last month on the account of the Measles.. Have they had any flu in Pismo yet? There has been very little, is an, in El Paso.
I am going to try and see if I can’t get sent to Camp Vail. I passed the ex. And would have gone about three weeks ago if I hadn’t been sick. I would like to get discharged from there so I would have transportation clear to Calif. It would amount to quite a little. It is still pretty cold down here that is, the nights and mornings.
There has been some talk of this outfit moving to Ft. Leavenworth, Kan. I don’t know whether this has anything to it or not. There has also been some talk of going to Georgia. I would like to go to Georgia Floats where my old outfit is stationed.
I have been getting the Red Diamond Magazine regularly.
How is Sid making it at Poly? Is he still going on the motor?
I will have to go now and answer the water call.
As ever,
C.B. 7th F.S.B.