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  • Writer's pictureFlea Market Love Letters

January 3, 1919.

Dear Mother

Received two letters from you today one dated Nov. 20th + the other the 29th. You must have not received any letters from me for quite a long while as you still address my letters to the Amm. I sent my Christmas coupon about the 25th of Oct. So you should have gotten it. It was addressed to the M.O.R.S. I have been with this outfit for quite a long time and have written a lot of letters.

You said you sent out the Christmas package but I haven’t received it yet. Was surely glad to know that you sent a camera. I would rather have that than anything else I know. The weather here is very poor for taking pictures, dark and cloudy most of the time, but I will take advantage of every clear day and send you snapshots. We are now in the little town of Bittenberg about six or eight miles from the city of Luxembourg. There’s a lot of difference between the towns of Luxembourg + Belgium and those of France. They are much smaller and better built. Everything is very high here though, as of course would be expected.

I haven’t the least idea when I’ll be home but from what I hear it seems that we’ll be over here quite a little time. Of course it only rumor that we hear. One day we’ll hear that we’re going home and the next we’ll hear that we’re going to Siberia or China or some other vague place where someones overactive imagination has led him. One would have to look far and wide to find anything to beat the army for rumor.

The time just drags by now each day seems as well. When the war was going on one thought nothing of time, he simply figured “I live today tomorrow I may be gone”. But now when home seems a certainty, the time just drags.

The utmost thought in everyones mind here now is “When are we going home?”. I hear that question asked just about fifty times every day.

We still continue to have the same rotten weather, rain, mud and a little snow. I can surely appreciate the California climate when I get back.

So Ted is thinking of going to sea. That would be fine I think though I wish I would advise him not to come to France. To quote a little remark I heard a fellow once made over here “If they Statue of Liberty ever wants me to look her in the face again, she’ll have to turn around”. That’s my sentiments exactly.

I sent my last letter to Beth of my trip over here and the different fronts I’ve been on so I won’t repeat it in this letter.

Well ma, there isn’t much to write about so I will close now. Write soon and tell me all the news.

Your son, Walter

Wagner Walter Bushnell

5th M.O.R.S.

A.P.O 745

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