Dear Mother
Received your letter last night also one from Beth. Received one from Alice tonight. I am still in Bettembourg but I think we will move before long. Don’t know which way it will be though wether forward or back. From what I hear I guess it will be quite a long time before I see the old U.S.A. again.
We are having pretty cold weather now. The ground is covered with snow and everything is frozen over. I’d rather have it cold though that the continual mud and rain like it was before.
I don’t see why they have not heard from Paul unless his letters were lost. If anything had happened to him his folks would receive official notice.
I have been receiving the papers pretty regularly that you send. I will send home a copy of the “Stars and the Stripes” every time I can get one. It is published weekly. Beth wanted me to send her some French papers but I can’t get them here.
This is certainly getting to be a monotonous life. Just the same thing day in and ady out. We have a Y.M.C.A. here where they put on a show occasionally but that’s about all there is in the way of amusements.
Is Ted still thinking of going to sea? I think that would be a fine trip for him. Charl still in San Francisco? Is Sarah still at the San Antonio hospital? I haven’t heard from her in quite a longtime. I have taken quite a few pictures with the kodak. I haven’t had them developed or printed yet. It’s pretty hard to get them developed here. I tried to get some post cards of this town but they were sold out. I will send you some the first chance I get.
Well Ma, I can’t think of anything to write about so will close now hoping for another letter from you son.
With love,
Wag. Walter Bushnell
5 M.O.R.S.
American E.F