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September 1, 1924.

Writer's picture: Flea Market Love LettersFlea Market Love Letters


Estelle dear, — 

Just a note between jumps. We have been on the go continually since arriving and this is the first opportunity I have had to sit down. This morning it was tennis, and the boys are now upstairs getting ready to go swimming. 

I have been rotten company and am justly ashamed of myself. You remember, sweet, I told you about having a pain in my back. Well it has transferred itself to my right side and is making an old man out of me. I can hardly bend over and I feel sixty years old. I have tried a dozen and one ways to get rid of it, but I am not succeeding. I shall see a doctor tomorrow and be told that it is a growing pain. My eyes are also performing so I am a perfect bore – that is if a bore can be perfect. 

Am anticipating an orgy with your letters tonite, honey. I will be home midnite and probably will sit up until four or five o’clock reading them. I am anxious as to your doings and as to how your folks look at the new arrangement. Remember your promise to be good! Also your promise still holds regarding causing any antagonism at home. It isn’t worth it, dear. 

My letters are a mess but I am sorry. I shall do better when I am home and have more time. Also I need your letters to act as a lattice work upon which I may fit mine. 



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