Dearest Mama and folks received your most welcome letter. Was glad to hear that you all were well I am well and feeling fine.
We will get liberty Saturday but don’t think I will get to go on liberty for I will be on duty then. It is hard to tell when we will get out. Altho they are working on that now I think it will be from two or four months maybe longer.
When I joined I went in as a Reserve but can’t tell which will get out first the Reserves or the duration of the war men here hoping it won’t be long be fore we can all get out. It was sertenly bad about all of the people dying around there but that flu was sertenly bad it got a lot of them around here. I just got a letter from Minnie Hemfree was glad to hear from her, she said you sent her my address. I don’t know that I have ever seen her or not don’t think that I have but all the same I was glad to hear from her.
How old is Minnie now she said they were all well. I am still a fireman and doing fine. I have done made one rating I went in as a 3rd class and now have been sent to second class fireman so I think I am getting along fine. Believe me we shore did celebrate on the 11th when we hear that liberty had been sined, with all of the yelling and whistles a flowing you couldn’t hear your self at all.
There were six big ships in harbor and seven more destroyers and submarines and they all turned loose and all of the whistles in the yards.
I don’t guess it will be long before Rex will get to come home. Well maybe I can get a furlow Christmas any way.
Well I must close hoping this will find you all well. Answer soon. Your loving sailor.
Alfred N. Green