Dear Impatient Boy,
I was so happy over your last letters. For it has settled my doubts as to when we should be married and also that my Dearest Boy had stopped worrying so.
I am trying to be patient, but I am pretty cross most of the time and it seems as tho the only time that I really am patient is when I come up here and back to you. And then I lie awake clear into the night thinking and planning. As yet it is mostly a dream a great dream of our happiness.
An I seem too happy to think of the practical things but only of our happiness I can see how girls so before marry and life is full of happiness to them until they awake to the fact that there are also stern realities. But I am not fearing those in the least Boykins, for you see we have already settled all of that. You know exactly all that I am sharp tongued, quick to temper and all the rest. And really, you know, it is a wonder to me how you still love me as you do and our over look my faults.
Ray Reed and Juliet were married Oct. 14 and came home at four o’clock (a.m.) from Iona. The night of the fifteenth the small children went down to make it exciting and found the house dark, and couldn’t make anyone appear. So they went up town and Mr. Reed gave them fine works and kerosene to make barn fires, and they made the night good and noisy. Still they couldn’t make Ray come out. Then about ten o’clock the big boys or rather young men went down and after the usual serenading made up their minds to get Ray and make him appear or take him to Iona. And as he didn’t show up they walked into the house and right up stairs and in their bedroom. It here Juliet found out what they were doing she immediately had hysterics and the boys had to leave. Wasn't that a great way to treat a bride and groom. Those boys will find out tho some day when they get there. You see they had little sleep they night before, so they went to bed real early. Ah, I am glad they shan’t be able to do anything like that to us. I shall just worry when you do and wish I could meet you up in Avoca.
Dearest, do you think you can get away before the 25th of November? Or will your stay be brief and very very precious to us both.
As to rooms Dear Man, the enclosed slip is a very good proposition when you stop to realize that you can stay in bed in the A.M. and not have to get up really and build fires. But have you thought, we wouldn’t have to send our washing out, which altho it is not much, would count up fast. Then Boy, our in Midway there would not only be your car fare, but Ella would want me to come out and that would mean extra car fare quite often.
But Honey , it will be home wherever you decide is best and I thought that even if we lived on the West Side it would be nearer Ella and those precious babies. How I do miss them. And we would there be within walking distance of So. St. Paul.
And Dear, you didn’t mean to get light housekeeping rooms already furnished, did you? Because we have our bedroom furniture, kitchen table, chair, bedding, dishes, etc. already.
Oh Honey, if I could only have you here and was snuggled tonight in your arms tonight making all our plans right with you. If you but knew how lonely I am to be held in your arms and feel your kisses. It makes me so very impatient at times.
I am going to finish my house dresses this week and start on sheets and pillow cases, and then it won’t be long before I can begin to pack things.
I am getting old I believe. For I have rheumatism in one of my legs and as I am getting chilly I presume I must get into bed. And my light is going out but Dearies, I shall write some more in the morning.
Lover, if could only put my face against one of your cheeks and my hand on the other I believe I could squeeze your face into the width of a toothpick. I am so lonely for you tonight. Of you don’t know the affection that is coming your way. Just wait!!!
Honey, is you get rooms in November, cant I send the furniture here up to you before you come down, and perhaps you would have time to get it moved in so that the first night up there we might stay at home. Ou see if we go on the morning passenger we would have time to get a lot done that night. And I think it would be awfully nice.
Goodnight Precious I must crawl into bed for I am undressed and I am getting cold. I can’t tell and even begin to tell how I love you tonight, so there is no use trying I presume.
But give me time may be I can tell it some day. Kisses Lover, just thousands.
Monday A.M.
Goodmorning My Dear One, are you rested and happy this morning? Oh where were you yesterday?
Just think of the nice cozy Sundays we shall have this winter. You know I think I have been spending mine as I think we shall.
After Church I come right up here and read, in kimono and slippers and then after I get sleepy I usually lie down and sleep until five o’clock. Then if I go to to church, which occurred last night for the first time, I get ready and go downstairs, so else if I do not go I say here and write to you. For I really am so tired by Sunday that I feel as though I had to rest.
Mrs. Busse who is very sick sent us a lovely linen lunch cloth on Saturday. And I must walk out there this week and thank her for it and see how she is. There I am go to Harringtons on day this week, Fannies another, and out to Dayton Saturday. Oh I am getting mighty popular with my friends. And Minnie is rushing me to death. I think she has no other idea except that she is to get a bid to the wedding. Won’t she be disappointed?
Honey, as long as we are to be married in our suits I got a chiffon waist to wear to be married in. It certainly is beautiful and I am so anxious to get making it.
Now Honey it is after eight and I must stop. But I think I could go on talking for the day.
Mr. and Mrs. Finch are working awfully hard to have a church wedding. But I don’t give them any encouragement for it means too much work for someone else.
You haven’t told me what you thought of being married at 7:30 and going on the passenger yet.
Really and truly goodbye this time.
Don’t get too impatient, go and see Ella as often as possible and write to me, Love.
Yours, Harriet