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Writer's pictureFlea Market Love Letters

November 13, 1914.

Dear George:

Replying to yours of the 11th just would say that I hereby give me consent to the approaching marriage as arranged for between you and Harriet.

The fact that you have but little to start out is no barrier to happiness.

I regret very much indeed the fact that owing to our circumstances we are unable to invite a larger number of friends to your wedding.

The papers (I am very sorry to say) will announce that only the relatives of both parties were present. I may explain the need for this decision when you come.

Harriet is one of the best and most talented girls that I know of and I was sorry she could not have finished her education before settling down for life, btu there is one thing certain, and that is that you and she can both improve your minds at home for I am one of those who believes that education ends only at death. You shall have my blessing and very best wishes in every way.


W. McAllister

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