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  • Writer's pictureFlea Market Love Letters

June 6, 1945.

Marseille, France

6 Jun 45

Darling Betty:

I was very disappointed to learn that the government SNAFUED the regular payments which they deducted from my pay check but fail to deliver to you. I did it with the express purpose of effecting regular and prompt deliveries to you, but look what happens – you fail to get them, before they were only irregular. You can bet your sweet life I’m looking into the matter and determine why they fail to keep their end of the bargain. They encourage a GI to save money promptly and then mess up their end of the deal. Hope it will straighten out shortly.

Here is the extra 50 I promised to send you. Use the surplus for whatever purpose you desire. As you know we are having our money converted into new type French money – always doing something with money but making it represent its true value. Every Frenchman have beaucoup francs and our few francs make us paupers all because of the exchange rate set by the authorities. OH! Well, perhaps in a few months I’ll be returned to you and home – I do hope so very, very much.



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