Dearest Rusty,
I got your letter this morning before I was out of bed, + one from Brownie and I surely did enjoy them both.
Brownie says she is as happy as a lark + that Red is wonderful. She does not know that Dad has gone but I think I'll write and tell her this afternoon.
I am feeling awfully tired and lonely by this afternoon I did some ironing this morning and stemmed some strawberries for linch. This afternoon I must get a haircut and shell the peas for dinner.
I've been thinking of you an awful lot this week. Who do you go out with this summer? I sure wish I could come to see you this afternoon. Would just love to talk + talk.
Flo has been a wreck ever since the funeral and is not able to be out of bed yet so she does not feel like talking + Mother is going down town to do some shopping so you can imagine how I feel.
It must seem lonely with so few people down there. I can just imagine Mr. Mingle (Pop) saving on the eats.
Sure was sur-prised to hear about Rose Conley's Mother. Is Rose her-self coming back?
Has Vesta arrived? Or any of the other girls that were there last year?
Which room have you? And are you sleeping with any one else?
My Mother + Aunt from Atlanta and I are coming down some Sunday in July on the bus as I think it would do Mother a lot of good to get out of the city.
Ethel + Marty mentioned something about going down on an excursion + want me to come with them so maybe I'll get to see you soon.
I am going to be a "head Recorder" at Curtis' next 2 weeks as the girl is going out on her vacation. After she comes back I can take my 2 weeks any time I want them but I think I'll wait until August.
Was surprised to hear about Howard S. He + Ethel have evidently broken off.
Send my love to your mother the next time you write. Was glad to hear she hadn't worried while we were at S. Haven.
Rusty, Mother said I should be sure to thank you for her for the beautiful sympathy card that you sent. She appreciated it very much.
You will get this letter while eating your breakfast I suppose. At times I wish I were back again but then when I think of the work -- Gee -- Did Mary ever say why she didn't ask me. I wonder if it was because of my hay fever or because she didn't like me. I'd love to know. I suppose it will take your rest of the day to figure out the words.
Please write to me real soon and tell me all the news.
Lots + lots of love,