U.S.M.C. Office
Springfield, Mass.
Dear Sweetheart,
Well to begin with I miss you greatly already but hearing your sweet voice over the phone made me feel as though you were right by my side. I’m looking at your picture every second and I know that I’m the proudest Marine in the Corp.
The tests were a snap once we got under way. Boy ! Are they hard -boiled now that we are “Boots” (new recruits) Every fellow this morning wanted to know who the “beautiful girl” was standing with the lady in the Post Office and I kept them guessing until I finally told them that you were my sweetheart, the swellest girl going and that this lady was my mother, the swellest mother going! Was I proud!!
I feel a little homesick tonight being stuck up in a little hotel room on the 5th floor of a crummy hotel. It’s 9:15 now and as I said I’m the only one in the group staying in tonight. But I’d rather dream about you – I love you more than my tongue can tell.
How did you feel at work today? I was thinking and worrying all day about you.
I certainly was in heaven last night having such an angel as you in my arms, I just can’t wait to feel your lovely lips against mine again.
We were addressed by a big “Brass Hat” late this afternoon and he stressed the point about not being ashamed about bragging about being a United States Marine (excited please excuse) He said it was the greatest honor to belong to the greatest, smartest, and toughest, bunch of fighting men in the whole world. Boy – that covers a lot of territory huh – He also let us know about all the history of the Corp and its honor which we have sworn to uphold, even with our life if need be. He told us all the hard tasks which lie ahead of us and said he knew we would have the same fighting spirit and (as he put it) “guts” as the gallant Marine who fought to the last ditch at Wake Island. We will have to learn to be a full fledge fighting leatherneck in six weeks instead of the usual twelve owing to the war. Wow! – He emphasized that we would too if we had to drill night and day. Boy, without a doubt he was stearm with a Capital S.
I got Balled-out for the first time buy a Navy officer after taking my physical. I was trying my shoe and I just rested my foot gently on the corner of a plain chair when that Son of a (you know what) yelled out —- Get your feet off the furniture!!! I never got so mad but he knew I couldn’t talk back but I certainly turned Bright Red with anger holding it in what I wanted to tell him. I can tell you right now I don’t care for the Navy Big Shots, period.
Please as a favor for me start a scrapbook and save every little clipping & articles in the paper about the marines and show it to me when I see you.
When I heard we were going to Parris Island I felt swell because I would be nearer to my love one and would have a chance to see you.
Where are you wearing the ring? I’m anxious to know. You were talking about it in the bus this morn. I know we are engaged and thats all that counts and what you are about the ring is alright as long as you are satisfied. I love you darling.
I’m going to drop a line to mother now before I fall off to sleep. The light in this dingy hole is awfully dull. Remember me to your family and all your friends.
I’ll be anxiously waiting for your letters darling and please make them often.
good night