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August 5, 1924.

Writer's picture: Flea Market Love LettersFlea Market Love Letters

Sweetest: – 

Can hardly hold my eyes open so I won’t vouch for this writing. I have found an ideal place for our honey-moon, darling. We are staying at a real old fashioned hotel. It is quiet, almost comfortable – and here we could really be alone for the first few days as we would both wish. After the first week we coil go to the Eastern cities and finish up with excitement, but I want the first week to be a quiet one – along with you, dear, – where we may learn each other and have no outside factors that would disturb our closeness. 

Sweet, you have been so close to me in the past few days. Last nite as we drove along the Lake, the moon dimly lighted the road and woods, and each time it shimmered through the foliage I could see your dear face. It seemed as though you were by my side and that is I would but put my arm towards you I could draw you to me. But I was afraid to attempt for I knew that although I would feel your presence and know that our spirits were in tune – an attempt to touch you physically would but break the spell. Estelle, dear one, I know that you were there as I wanted to be and I loved you with all my being. 

Last week we were together at Lake Milton. Without you here the day is barren. Last Sunday was a day of real contentment. Today you are not here and there is no interest for me. It is really a very beautiful resort, but for me there is no beauty where you are not present. 

The gang is all set to drive around the Lake and I am getting razzed for my letter writing. However, I won’t be hurried. This is the part of my day where I have you and I deem it the most precious of all hours. It is when I may pour out my thoughts to you and know that you are here.

There is a young girl at the writing table beside mine and she is doing her darndest to see what I am writing. I hope she sprains her neck. 

Am calling you tomorrow nite. It seems a long while to wait, dear, but I am just as impatient as you. I do hope we have good luck this time! 

Am sorry to know that Lou is ill. I know that it always reacts on you and I hate it when you  are both miserable. 

Well, sweet, I simply must not delay the party longer. Will give you all the news tomorrow. I realize that my letters have been rather flat, but I can’t seem to write intelligently. 



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