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  • Writer's pictureFlea Market Love Letters

August 20, 1942.

Hello – you heartbreaker you!

Hon. Gee, you were swell to write to me again! I sure was going to the dogs. I had my mind all made up! My slogan was “No more women for me.”

I’ve grown a good crop above my upper lip and bought myself a good pipe. I figure, if I couldn’t have my dream home with you to kiss every monring oover the breakfast table that I wouldn’t have any breakfast table at all! And you know how much I love your sausage and waffles! So you can imagine my joy when I found there was still a little flicker of life to our love which was once so strong.

I know I had done wrong by you and I was willing, – well, not exactly willing, but I made up my mind to pay the penalty – well, so much for that.

I love my works! I start at 12 midnight and work till 7:30 in the morning, then i come home and cook myself a good big feed and sleep all day long until it’s time to go back to work! I haven’t been anywhere in the past few months to speak of but I don’t mind that at all. I was beginning to think I was a…. Fool for staying home all the time but since yesterday, I don’t think so anymore. I am really ready to start closing all of my bills square in the noose now, I’m a few more weeks away and I only have about $50.00 left on the car! Oh! Happy days!

I work about 42 hours a week and get payed for 52 hours at $1.19 per hour. In about three more weeks I get a .10 an hour raise but the boss told me today the he would get it for me much sooner and probably this week! For some reason or other he seems to like me a bit!

Well, Honey bunch, I guess I’ll go back to sleep now – I sure hope you’ll miss me!

Betty, can I have a picture of you? I’d like one very much!

Love as ever,


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