Last year the lovely Kareena posted me a surprise -- these vintage Postcards fell in the letter box and my jaw dropped to the floor. Kareena wrote that she had found the series at a Flea Market in Camden in England and having become interested in the addressee found it in her endlessly generous heart to send them to the archive for preservation and safe keeping.
In the several months since we've chatted about the Postcards and I surprised her the other week by announcing it was time to share the stories they told! On that note in our chatting we have an idea to someday -- soon? -- meet up and see if we can't source out more of the story together. I can't wait, for one! Read on for more about this ongoing, developing preservation project within the archive.

What We Know:
All addressed to a "Miss. Caufield" the 7 Postcards are dated from 1905 to 1907 with a few "undated". Written to "Miss. Caufield of 130 St. James Terrace Harrow Road Paddington, London" . In researching this post I would love to show you a classic white plaster facade of a Paddington home with a midnight black front door that we can point to and say 'Here begins the mystery!' but alas it seems that Caufield's home -- we don't know if she lived with family, was a border, perhaps a member of staff for a home -- no longer exists. Postcards are tricky -- they are brief and tell us little about the recipient or writer. It's up to us to piece together a story and sometimes that story goes without an end.
We can tell that at least 6 of the notes come from her friend "J.L.C.", who sometimes signs off as "J.L." An additional is likely from "them" -- again who is this mysterious J.L.C.? -- though the signature is unreadable. The eighth Postcard comes from another writer, an "M.P.".
What the Postcards Say:
Undated, 1900s:

"Dear D,
Once more P.C. just to say I am still in Paddy land I can’t get away worst luck as it does not look as though we are moving this week. We are hoping to go the dance again tonight providing wheather permits but expect some of them will go hail, rain or moonshine. Fondest love hoping to see you all next week. Yours J.L.C"

September 17, 1905:

"Dear Doll Here's a P.C. for you hope it will suite you a one. Hope you got home all right the other night. I felt awfully full when I returned home. I think I have another place to go to on Thursday night. Yours ever [unreadable]"

December 23, 1905:

"D.D. Just a line to wish you a Merry Xmas. I hope to see you one day through the holiday perhaps I shall stand more chance of see you oftener again now can you home here Xmas day as I shall be in that day but out Boxing day. Yours J.L.C."

May 2, 1906:

Leinster Lds.
"Dear D
Just a PC as tomorrow is your Birthday. I wish you Many Happy Returns of the day and hope still Brighter and Happier days are in store. Yours JL"

May 9, 1906:

"Dear Doll am so sorry but shall not be out this evening But I hope you will come hear as I have got them to show you come as early as you can yours in hast J.L"

Undated, 1906:

"Dr. D We got a hat for you yesterday they will send it Friday or Saturday it is payed for, so will be alright, hope you will like it. I may come over one evening if not come straight here on Sunday as Em* is not sure what time she will be out. Love to all. Yrs. MP."

August 3, 1906:

"Warcop Hall
Dear D Many thanks for PC of this morning I am sending you on a photo Ben send to me to forward to you I don't like them a bit of him I expect I shall have to be going as soon as I get back to London we are all quite getting use to being up hear and are getting to like it better altho it is awfully dull. I will send you some Flowers next week I get time to pick them up we are very busy love from J.L."

February 16, 1907:

"Dr. D. Sorry not to have been over this week. Not have to go to Killburn twice so could not manage it. Will you be over Friday afternoon come if you can, as I want to talk something over with you. Love to all. Yrs. MP. E. just been in she expects you tomorrow night."

Get in Touch.
That's all for now! Until someday when we maybe find more of Miss.Caufield's Postcards we can only start to paint the portrait of the lady who received these notes from 110+ years ago. Do you have a collection of Postcards, either "found" or inherited? Share your letter stories via Email with us at