Dear Herman
Received your letter + also your card + am sorry I didn’t answer sooner. It’s good to know that Manny is still in the U.S.A. Is he at a point of embarkation or transported to another camp? I hope its a transfer. Our Manny is in the Army now too but not to happy about it. He was mighty anxious to get in but now that he is in -- he’s not so pleased.
In addition to all his studies there is also drilling + inspection. So that’s leaving very little time for anything else. He’s still in Philadelphia + should be stationed there for one year -- or until he finishes school.
You seem pleased about the transfer to Bridgeport. Can’t say that I blame you. Four miles from the barracks to the main gate is quite a hike. I hope it’s a change for the better all around.
Your sister, Frances, keep in touch with me pretty regularly. She tell me about the good job she got. Some stuff -- eh.
We’re still having a terrific hot spell. No let up in sight either. If this keeps up I might go home to Long Beach where I can sit on the beach all day long. I’ll be plenty cool there. Raplh doesn’t want me to leave + can’t says that I blame him. If you haven’t got Manny address yet. I’ll give it to you.
Pvt. Manny Horn
Co. “F” 3305th S.U.A.S.T.U.
4034 Spruce St.
Philadelphia, P.A.
I’m sure he’d like hearing from you.
I guess the folks will have a big time at the bar mitzvah this Sunday. Sure wish we could all be there. I know it won’t be as joyful as all the ones have been. Folks like poor Raymie gets stuck all the time. He sure is a swell kid.
Well I guess that’s all for now. So I’ll close with all our love to you.
Fran + Ralph