Buffalo apt 26 1909
92 Grand St.
Mr. P.S. Lauteuschlager
Dear Sir -
As the mortgage you hold on my furniture is about due and am sorry to say that I am not able to meet the same, I thought I had better write you asking you if you would let me move, what furniture I need and what I don't t want to move over here, my wife would sell + give you the money. Now I don't want you to think that I am asking you to do this, that I can get out of paying you. I will pay you every cent for I consider you have done me a great favor in helping me out of my troubles but the reason I have asked you to do this is I am working here + paying board + my family living in berlin makes my expenses too high. And I am sure I could pay you sooner if they were over here + what I pay for board would go a long way in supporting them all. Now I want to hear from you + know what you think about it if I can't get my family over here, I must give up my job here + I don't care to that if there is any possible way to get matters arranged with you so that I can move.
I am getting $60.00 a month, and I think that is very good considering I am you might say learning something that is entirely new to me. The Co. I am working for are in the 5+10C store business, they are a new company they are incorporated for over $100,000, but have not got a great deal of stock sold as yet -- enough so that they could open up one store, + have it in good running shape, it is now the intention to sell stock + branch out in other places. I will have this store to look after. I could not draw my salary in full as I agreed to give them time until they got fairly started. I have only been able to get what I really had to have to help my family over there but I am sure before long I will be able to get more + can make things right with you in a short time and I will certainly do my best for you.
Now Mr. Lauteuschlager let me hear from you + give me your best terms.
Give my best regards to Mrs. L + Roland + hoping you are all well I remain
Yours truly
Albert Kaufman
92 Grant St
Buffalo N.Y.