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  • Writer's pictureFlea Market Love Letters

September 19, 1945.

Sept. 19, 1945

New Oxford, Pa.

Well Delores,

It was like old times having that long, newsy letter from you.

You know the letter reminded me of the “gab fests” in the ration board.

Speaking of the ration board, Peggy got a job in Gettysburg as a key punch operator in the Furniture Factory office.

While Dottie is working for the Alwine Brick Co. If you remember Mr. Brown at Alwine office he got a heart attack and died within several hours. There are still Mrs. Shultz, Mrs. Butt (Gracie) and Steacy.

Your going to school sounds very interesting. And I had to laugh when you said the instructor wants no glamour. Hey what does, what does he think will happen to us wimmin if we cant carry our glamour with us.

Am glad to hear of you and your girl friends, [unreadable] also, know but then feature you not being able to talk and make friends.

Give Eileen, my regards and tell her I wish her all kinds of luck.

Nothing like seeing all of New York, that you can Dolores, because by the time I get there you can take me around and me dizzier than dizzy.

Dolores I’d love to visit you and maybe we can arrange it sometime in the near future.

Charlie is stationed at IndianTown Gap, and he certainly has grown into manhood all of a sudden. That might be due to his close associations with oversea veterans.

Mary is getting along as usual, you know. She is a [unreadable] at times.

I didn’t even see Kenny when he was home. Dolores, his mother was in the the bank and said he was home for I believe she said five days, and that he was being sent out West for some special training. Yes it is funny how we hold a soft sport in our hearts for a certain person.

Gee Dolores, say a special prayer so that everything turns out okay for Earl and me. He expects a discharge by the first of the year and then a visit to New Oxford. Gee if it falls through I think I’ll die.  So now you know what to do for me.

Expect to see the Delone-Hanover game this Friday night. You probably heard me talk about that game last year. Its a yearly event and Delone usually gets beaten – drat the luck.

How about popular music, hear any? I love the song “To The End of Time”, Umm! I could really dance that one with someone.

Tomorrow evening the Moore girls, Cassie + Regina, Mary and I are going to a place near York, “Pinetree Inn” for supper. I am dying to see the place as they tell me its homey like with an electric organ.

Well Dolores I am about out of news. And please keep me in touch with all your work and – a – play.

Until later this is ~~~~


(Not Rosevelt)

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